A taste of what's to come...
When you're ready to explore you just start tasting everything. A little bit of fun, mixed with a little bit of sunshine and a mix of cloud and rain. Together exploration takes place and life becomes an interesting rollercoaster.
Explore your body with yoga asana. You will find that with every movement and breath you start to unravel the realms of limitlessness. Yoga helps you find boundaries you never new existed and new perspectives on those you did. With built in tools to guide you both physically and mentally.
The craft that is yoga asana has me often stunned. The way the body can move and be moved both inside and out is an incredible show for both the user and the observer. Connecting to the body with such focus allows for all sorts of exploration giving you both sunshine and rain (Sthira and sukhaa) at the one time. The power of this physical expression of yoga is infinite if used.
So go use it!
Find some ground, take your body and get flowing!